Quality Policy

Bahrain Tender Board is keen on establishing and implementing a quality management system compliant with international standards to ensure the achievement of performance indicators specific to the efficiency and effectiveness of the quality management system certificate (ISO 9001:2015), which the Tender Board obtained after fulfilling all necessary requirements and applying the required standards. To achieve the objectives of this policy, the Tender Board has set quality objectives in line with the provisions of this policy and defined a timeframe to ensure their achievement.


Therefore, Bahrain Tender Board is committed, within the framework of its vision, mission, principles, and strategic objectives, to achieve maximum level of quality, to ensure continuous improvements and with a high degree of professionalism in accordance with international principles and standards.


The general quality objectives at the Bahrain Tender Board include:

§  Operational Efficiency Assurance:

        Ensuring the effectiveness of administrative and organizational processes to guarantee smooth execution of tenders and Auction.

§  Integrity and Transparency:

        Promoting the concepts of integrity and transparency in all aspects of tenders and auctions management.

§  Customer Service Improvement:

        Providing superior customer service to all Purchasing authority, suppliers and contractors, and all parties dealing with the Tender Board.

§  Financial Performance Improvement:

        Achieving maximum economic efficiency to secure government procurement.

Furthermore, the Tender Board commits to annually review the objectives and provisions of this policy to ensure its continuity and measure its suitability for the processes of tenders and auctions.